VIDEO LIBRARY (English Videos)
YCPARMIA's video library is for exclusive use by our members, free of charge. We do not sell videos and we cannot loan videos to non-members. Our DVD library is still available for members to use; however, we are no longer purchasing new DVDs. We recommend members utilize our online video library.
ACCESSING THE ONLINE VIDEOS: You can browse through the list provided by American Training Resource Online. You will need to register for an account and reach out to Lily Viek at lviek@ycparmia.org for the access code.
BORROWING A DVD: You can browse through our available DVD list using the links below. Videos are grouped into categories by subject. When you are ready to check out a video, simply stop by our office and complete our checkout form. You can call us at (530) 666-4456, ext. 200 or email Nicole Jackson at njackson@ycparmia.org to confirm the video is available.
POLICY: You may check out up to 4 videos at a time for a maximum of 4 weeks. A reminder will be sent out if you've had the video for 8 weeks or more. If the video is lost or is failed to be returned following the reminder, we will invoice your department for the replacement cost of the video. This can be as much as $500.