YCPARMIA Safety Policies

Injury and Illness Prevention Plan

Every employer must have an Injury and Illness Prevention Plan (IIPP) as required by Cal-OSHA in 8 CCR 3203. We have provided two IIPP models which can be used as the basis for your code compliant safety program. One is written for an employer that chooses to have a safety committee (recommended); the other is for an employer who cannot make good use of a safety committee. We have also provided a number of blank forms that can be used to implement your safety program.

To make this model program compliant with State law, you must fill in the blanks with the appropriate information, and check through the document to assure that all of it actually applies to your operations. Once you adopt the IIPP, it is enforceable by Cal-OSHA. In other words, you must actually do the things that your policy says you will do.

The IIPP regulation requires that you have certain procedures in place; these models are designed to meet those requirements. Most of the components of the model plans are mandatory. If you feel that you should delete some part of the model plan for your use, we recommend that you call your safety consultant at YCPARMIA (530-666-4456) before you do so. We can help to suggest alternative methods of meeting your legal reponsibilities.

Select your model program and forms from the following list:


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