Welcome to the YCPARMIA Safety page. Here you will find our monthly Safety Journals in .PDF format, as well as our Model Policy Program. These Model Safety Policies are in Word format, and can be modified to suit your needs.
- Code of Safe Practices, Construction
- Code of Safe Practices, General
- Code of Safe Practices, Trenching & Shoring
- Confined Space Entry Program
- Electrical Safety Policy
- Emergency Action Plan
- Fire Prevention Plan
- Hazard Communication Plan
- Hearing Conservation Plan
- Heat Illness Prevention Plan
- Lockout/Tagout Plan
- Respiratory Protection Program
- Welding Policy
2016 Safety Journals
June | Cancer From The Sun Awareness Month |
May | Heat Illness Prevention and Pocket Guide, and Safety Trainings |
April | Stay Air Aware, Surface Water From Sacramento River, and Spring Cleaning |
March | Spring Forward, Recycle Free at Landfill, National Poison Prevention Awareness Month, Earthquakes: Living on Shaky Ground |
February | Completely Anonymous Suggestion Box, MSDs, and Zika Virus |
January | All About Safety Videos |
2015 Safety Journals
December | Cold Stress, Ergonomic Heated Footrest, Hoverboard Safety |
November | Safe Thanksgiving, Don't Light Tonight, Ladder Safety |
October | Daylight Savings Time, and Halloween Safety Tips |
September | Driver Fatalities On The Rise, and Pertussis Precaution |
August | Anonymous Safety Notifications, Anger May Cause Stroke, and Health Threats from Wildfire Smoke |
July | Standing To Stay Healthy, Be Good To Your Back, Heat Illness, and S.A.F.E. |
June | Fun in the Sun, Asleep at the wheel, Safety is No Accident Quiz |
May | Salt and You, Sleep On It, and Neat, Clean, and Safe |
March | Daylight Savings Time, General Safety Measures, and Poison Prevention Awareness Month |
February | Burn Ward, Short Days and Long Months, Beware of Burn Hazards, and Safety Suggestion Box |
January | Protect Your Eyes, Report Repeat Accidents, and Repeat Resolutions |
2014 Safety Journals
December | Wash away illness, It's no accident, and Always on the job |
November | Communicate Safety, Thanksgiving Day Tips, and Ebola in California |
October | Dangers of Texting and Walking, and The Three Feet for Safety Act Hits California |
September | Emergency!Are you prepared?, Be Fire Smart, Be Safe On The Road, Night Moves On The Road, and YCPARMIA's Safety Suggestion Box |
August | Wake Up and Be Safe, Five Ways To Help Improve Safety, Can you hear me now?, People Who Never Get Sick, and Are you ready? |
July | MSD's and You, Off-The-Job Safety, and Emergency Care |
June | Handy Guide to Hand Protection, Housekeeping, and Reading Labels |
May | Love your Heart, Heat Illness, Confined Spaces, and Back Health |
April | Chemical Exposure, Safety Responsibility, and Smart Science |
March | Slips & Falls, Fighting Fires, Defensive Driving and Hearing Safety |
February | Foot Safety, Safety History, Training, and Machine Safety |
January | Avoiding Neck Pain, Inspect Yourself, Housekeeping Responsibility. |
2013 Safety Journals
December | Job Hazard Analysis, Happy Holidays, Accident Investigations, Preventing Colds |
November | CalOSHA Global Harmonization System, Lockout-Tagout for Everyone, Smoking |
September | Preparing for Disaster, Sign Safety, and Security |
August | Skin Cancer Identification, Common Electricity Myths, and Safe & Happy workplaces |
June | Teaching New Co-Workers, Heat Safety, Slips,Trips, and Falls |
May | Wellness, Salt, Cutting out Cuts |
April | Preventing Workplace Violence, Getting a Good Night's Sleep, and Electrical Hazards |
March | Burns, Nutrition, & Stress |
February | AED's, Texting and Driving |
January | Practical Resolutions, Road Rage, Safe Driving Habits. |
2012 Safety Journals
December | Winter Driving, Handwashing, Holiday Health |
November | Space Heater 101, Driving In The Rain, Air Pollution |
October | Happy Feet, Preventing Home Burglaries, Fire Hazards, Vehicle Inspection Checklist |
September | Emergency Action, Evacuations & Disasters, Back Health Checklist |
August | Wildfire Smoke, Proper Handwashing, Summer Skin Health, Sunglasses and Eye Health |
July | e-Awareness, Dead Vehicle Batteries, Workers' Bill of Rights |
June | Tuberculosis At Work, Fireworks Safety, Proper Lifting, American Red Cross App |
May | Heat Illness Signs to be Aware Of, Are You Bringing Chemical Hazards Home? |
April | Effective Housekeeping Plans, and How to Respond to Violence |
March | Good Food On the Go, Cleaning with Chemicals, Poisons, Fire Extinguishers. |
February | Personal Safety Issue: On the street, on the road, at work, and at home. |
January | Emergency Preparedness, Cubicle Etiquette, Winter Wellness, Defensive Driving. |
2011 Safety Journals
December | Preventing Holiday Stress, Fires at Home, Avoiding Shock, Safe Toys & Gifts |
November | Adjusting Your Workstation, Housekeeping Habits Worth Learning, Food Safety |
October | Workplace Fires, Accident Prevention, Distracted Driving |
September | Back Safety, Good Housekeeping, Chemical Quiz |
August | Office Electrical Safety, Ladder Safety |
July | Anger & Strokes, Fall Prevention, Protect Your Back |
June | Coping with Heat, Fire Extinguishers |
May | Injury Prevention, Drowsy & Drunk Driving, Accident Prevention Quiz |
January | Cold Weather Safety, Holiday & Electrical Safety, Healthy Weight Formulas |
2010 Safety Journals
January | Resolutions for the New Year, Repeat accidents, Eye Safety, & Winter Health |
February | Hazard Awareness, Skin Health, & Prevent Neck Spasms |
March | Beat the seasonal blues, Heart healthy, & Burn Safety |
April | Stress management, Cell phone distractions, & Foot Safety |
May | Emergency!, Exercise reminders and tips, and Proper Posture Prevents Pain |
July | Heat Illness Prevention, Heat Acclimation, and new Shade & Water Standards |
August | Sunburns and Machine Guards |
October | Fire Prevention, Halloween Safety: Walking at Night, and Brushing Your Teeth as a Key to Overall Health |
2009 Safety Journals
February | Hazard Awareness, Skin Health, & Prevent Neck Spasms |
March | Hidden Hazards, Safety Sense Quiz, & Balanced Nutrition |
April | Chemical Exposure, When-Why-How to Safety Train, Heat Safety |
May | Breathing, Traffic Safety, Preventing Amputations, and Eye Safety |
June | Defensive Driving, Down the Drain, Fires: Fight or Run |
July | Workplace Violence, Jump-Starts the Right Way, Warning IQ Test |
August | Ergonomics, Taking Care of Your Back, and Night Driving Tips. |
September | People Who Never Get Sick, Ways to Stay Alert When Drowsy, and 5 Ways You Can Make A Difference |
October | Fire Extinguishers, Risk, and Vehicle Safety. |
November | Hand Safety, Snow Hazards, Communication, & Radiation |
December | Home Fires, Emotional Health for Holidays, Your rights and OSHA, Heart Happy Recipes |
2008 Safety Journals
January | Defensive Driving, Health & Wellness, Safety Resolutions |
February | Safety Sense, Carbon Monoxide, Hazardous Materials |
March | Houskeeping, Poisons, Spring Cleaning, Nutrition, Travel Safety |
April | Tools, Eye Safety, Injury Prevention, Electrical Safety |
May | Health & Wellness, Sleep, Skin, Emergency Medical Response |
June | Falls, New Employees & New Equipment, Eyes, Sun Safety, Heat |
July | Summertime Safety, Safe Driving, Hands, Accident Prevention, Chemicals |
August | Ergonomics, Back & Hand Injuries, Back-to-School Safety |
September | Emergency Preparedness, Signs, Security, Feet, & Safety Quizes |
October | Fire Safety, Eye Safety, Chemicals, Alcohol |
November | Lifting, Housekeeping, Material Handling, Lockout/Tagout, Chemicals |
2007 Safety Journals
January | Back Safety, Sleep, Healthy Weight,Colds & Flu, Safety Awareness |
February | Safety Inspections, Signs, Electrical Hazards, & Preventing Accidents |
March | Emergency Response Quiz, Eyes, Hands, Household Poisons, & Forklifts |
April | Security Quiz, Yard Work, Workplace Violence, & Accident Causes |
May | Attitudes, Crime, Electricity, & a Safety Sense Quiz |
June | Chemicals, Electricity, Back Pain, Cancer, Machinery |
July | Cal-OSHA Inspections, Back Safety, Emergency Planning, New Videos |
August | Accident Prevention, Chemical Burns, Power Tools, Driving, Sun Safety |
September | Disaster Preparedness, Back Care, Housekeeping, Workplace Violence |
October | Fire Prevention, Chemicals, Vehicle Inspection, PPE |
November | Influenza: Everything You Wanted to Know About the Flu |
December | Job Hazard Analysis, Solvents, Eye Safety, Accidents |
Special Reports
Bees | First Aid for Bee Stings |
Disaster | Family Disaster Supply Kit |
Electric | Office Electrical Safety |
Food | Food & Water in an Emergency |
Heat | The Heat Illness Prevention Regulation |
Lightning | Are You Ready for a Thunderstorm? |
Molds | Molds in Indoor Workplaces |
Oak | Poison Oak |
Report | Report Serious Injuries to Cal-OSHA Immediately |
Snakes | First Aid for Snake Bites |
Spiders | First Aid for Spider Bites |
Ticks | Ticks & Lyme Disease |
Water | Emergency Food & Water Supplies |
West Nile | West Nile Virus |