Prior to implementation of the self-insurance program on March 1, 1979, each of our member agencies purchased its own insurance. To one degree or another, insurance-related services such as loss prevention, claims and loss record keeping were supplied by the insurance companies. The current self-insurance pooling program substitutes a collective approach to loss funding and servicing for our members.
The administrative entity through which this is accomplished is a separate legal authority formed through an exercise of joint powers by the participating agencies. The name of this administrative entity is: Yolo County Public Agency Risk Management Insurance Authority (YCPARMIA). The current participating agencies are:
- County of Yolo
- City of Davis
- City of West Sacramento
- City of Winters
- City of Woodland
- Esparto Unified School District
- Capay Valley Fire Protection District
- Clarksburg Fire Protection District
- Cottonwood Cemetary District
- Davis Cemetery District
- Dunnigan Fire Protection District
- East Davis Fire Protection District
- In-Home Supportive Services Public Authority
- Madison Fire District
- No Man's Land Fire Protection Distrct
- Sacramento-Yolo Port District
- Springlake Fire Protection District
- Winters Cemetery District
- Winters Fire Protection District
- Yolo County Habitat Conservation JPA
- Yolo County Law Library
- Yolo County Local Agency Formation Commission
- Yolo Emergency Communications Agency
- Yolo-Solano Air Quality Management District
- Yolo County Public Agency Risk Management Insurance Authority.
Each of the participating agencies is represented on the YCPARMIA Board of Directors. However, only the Cities of Davis, Winters, Woodland, and West Sacramento; the County of Yolo, and the Esparto Unified School District are voting members of the Board.
Each member entity is charged an annual premium. The premium is:
- designed to reflect the risk exposure of each participating agency, and is
- modified to reflect the actual losses paid by the pool on behalf of each participating agency, so that
- equity is achieved to the greatest extent possible.
The annual premium charged to each member entity is calculated to include its prorata share of:
- the excess insurance premium,
- a charge for the pooled risk (or losses), recognizing the deductible selected,
- claims adjusting and legal costs, and
- administrative and other costs to operate the Authority
Claims administration services are purchased from an outside thrid party administrator for the adjustment of all liability and workers' compensation losses. Loss recordkeeping services are provided by the third party administrator in the form of computerized loss runs supplied monthly to YCPARMIA.
Under the pooling program, losses are funded in the following manner:
- Each participating agency assumes a deductible to a level commensurate with its financial size. However, the minimum deductible is $1,000.
- A self-insurance fund is created and funded by all participating agencies.
- Membership in California Joint Powers Risk Management Authority (CJPRMA) provides a second excess coverage fund for catastrophic liability losses through self-insurance and EPL coverage purchased subject to a pooled retention.
- Excess insurance is purchased by YCPARMIA for all catastrophic losses under all other coverage lines.